Antonio da Sangallo the Younger (1484-1546), was a Florentine and a pupil of Bramante's. We have seen some of his work on the Villa Madama.
Antonio da Sangallo was invited to work on the ongoing project of St. Peter's in the Vatican City. In 1520 he was appointed architect to the Fabbrica di San Pieto by Pope Paul III Farnese (1468-1449).
The reconstruction, designed by Bramante, of St. Peter's was started in 1506; there were to be many architects involved during the 120 years before it was consecrated. Sangallo created this large scale wood model in 1539. You will notice the differences in Sangallo's design and Michelangelo's. One is that the tall campanile have been edited out, also Sangallo had created an internal ambulatory which was destroyed during Michelangelo's time, apparently because it was blocking sunlight. The overall design is cluttered and lacks the cohesiveness that Michelangelo successfully created.
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